Alitherm Plus


The Alitherm Plus residential door takes its place alongside the Alitherm 47 Door, giving the option of a robust performance, domestic entrance door and an alternative to the Visoline light commercial door.

Fabricator & Fitter friendly; the new Alitherm Plus door is designed to be easier to manufacture and install. New adjustable hinges, lock keeps and additional sash passing clearance allow for greater on-site fitting tolerances.

  • New adjustable hinges and lock keeps

  • Single & double doors use multi-point locking mechanisms

  • Double doors feature dual lock mechanisms enabling handles on both sashes

  • Door sections & hinges are designed with added strength delivering robust performance

  • Internally beaded for open in and open out doors

  • Profiles are contemporarily styled with a modern, square-edge design

  • Low thresholds comply with Document M building legislation

  • Z/T sash sections allow for greater coverage and weather resistance

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